When I moved from France to New York in 2009, I started a fast-paced, career-focused life. I had the job title and all the perks but I felt like I was missing a deeper sense of fulfillment.

I started practicing yoga to address lower back pain, and slowly fell in love with the practice.

As I practiced and learned to teach yoga for the next 12+ years, I dove into all the lesser-known aspects... mantras, meditation, chanting, yogic philosophy, and the breath techniques that helped me so much.

Yoga is so much more multi-dimensional than I ever expected!

You're Invited To A Deeper Experience Of Yoga That Can Improve Every Area Of Life...

Hey, I'm Hélène

Western yoga practice often reduces this rich tradition to a workout in a hot room. With my 5-pillar approach to teaching yoga, you'll experience a more holistic and multifaceted approach that connects your spirit with your mind and body.

Going Back To The Source


Join me for a class and see how much yoga can offer you on your personal growth path.

Expanding Your Practice Can Transform Your Experience As You Feel More In-Tune And Aligned


The stuff not everyone knows…

  • An Aryuvedic convert, I learned to cook dhal and kichari from the source… my mother-in-law (I hope she approves my adding of ginger to her original recipe)
  • I’m a raised French café girl, in love with oat milk cappuccino and street-style Indian chai (in India)
  • I’m me, with my ups and downs, little successes and life challenges… open to meet you wherever you are in your journey.


More About Me

  • I grew up helping on my grand parents’ vineyards in Bordeaux, sold chocolate croissant at my local bakery in France (for less than 30 cents at the time!), worked at financial institutions in London, Paris, Geneva and New York (and stopped wearing heels after that), joined social enterprises in Haiti and Tanzania and led sustainable finance initiatives at a large envionemental non-profit organization in New York and all around the world (in that order)

The stuff not everyone knows…


More About Me

  • 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, Kaia Yoga Center
  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, The Shala Yoga, New York
  • 200 Hour Meditation Teacher Training, The Veda Center
  • Certified Coach, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition

  • Masters in International Affairs, Columbia University, NY
  • Masters in Finance and Management, Audencia Nantes, France

Experience & Background

my credentials

schedule time to go within and create alignment in your whole being

sign up for a private

Go beyond the physical postures to get the most out of your practice 




Copyright Hélène Roy Yoga