Starter Kit

Learn the Ashtanga traditional invocations, refresh your Sun Salutation, and discover the first 25 postures of the Ashtanga Primary Series. The perfect cheat sheets to place next to your yoga mat when practicing at home or traveling.

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Steal this!

I stumbled into Ashtanga back in 2013 and immediately fell in love with the practice!

Since then, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga has been my main practice, has supported me throughout life transitions, and has been the precursor to many of the yoga modalities I practice today. 

I once read that Ashtanga is not for lazy people! I'm quite lazy myself but what I have is devotion and love for the practice. At the end of the day... that's all there is. I love the structure, yet flexibility of the method, the idea of owning and adapting my practice as life goes and to have something simple to turn to every time I step on the mat. 

Hi! I'm Hélène

more about me
  1. Opening & Closing Invocations with English translations 

  2. Sun Salutations A & B Charts 

  3. Quarter Primary Series Chart 

What's included

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Copyright Hélène Roy Yoga